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Ethan Newels, Edwardsville, , United States
Ethan Newels
Age: 118 | View biorythm
Location: Edwardsville, Illinois, United States
Relationship Type: Dating
Last Activity: Online now!
Friends: Sophie Dean, Isaac, William, and 8 more
About me
Here I am all shiny and new to online dating. I finished grad school in ‘06 and since then I've spent little time in the bars or out and about meeting new people. In fact, if you don't work downtown and aren't interested in hedge funds, then there's no way I would've met you before now.

Needless to say, my job has sort of overtaken my life and now I'm trying to get back on the bus and into the world of dating. First stop?

I'd be lying if I said I didn't want a relationship, I do. But I'm not about to just jump into one. I'm much more interested in meeting someone for a fun date and seeing where that takes us. I don't jump into decisions at work and there's no way I'll jump into a relationship either. For now, I'm interested in going out, having fun, and getting to know someone who will respect my job and all the time it requires of me.

If it turns out we make better friends, great, and if it's more than that, then even better.

So here's the real questions. Do you know what a hedge fund is?

About Ethan Newels
Income: $25,001 - $40,000
Religion: Non-religious
Family: I have kids over 18
Career: Customer service/support
Do you want children?: -
Status: Married
I'm in the Hamptons....: -
Height: -
Body Type: -
Ethnicity: -
Appearance: Casual Dresser
Eye Color: -
Hair Color: -

Other information
First date: Coffee / bar
House in the suburbs: In a farm or cottage
Living with: With roommate(s)
Age preference: Age is not important
Spending habits: Depends on the situation
Smoking: Always
Drinking: Social drinker
Do you do drugs?: -
Humor: -