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What makes you mad at the gym?
2010-04-01 17:52:26 #1 
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Default What makes you mad at the gym?

I have an example that pissed me off last night. I was on the elliptical, and I purposfully moved the fan away from me as I don't like a fan on me when I work out. It bugs me, and it's cold. Anyway, this gal was on a treadmill behind me to my right. I saw her get off but didn't notice her move the fan, I just felt the breeze. I was close to finishing so I didn't say anything, but here is the kicker. She was walking like 2 miles an hour. WITH a jacket on!!! Thats what pissed me off. If she was so hot, from what I don't know, It's like take the jacket off!!, dont use the fan first. I guess she was self concious, like anyone cared about what she was wearing in the backest part of the gym. ughhh

What bugs you at the gym?
2010-04-01 18:25:31  
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people who use equipment to sit on while they txt message.

arrrrrrrrrgh. damn phones!
2010-04-01 19:01:46  
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My gym is pretty good, but I guess the one thing that kinda irritates me is people who have made an effort to be at the gym but put absolutely no effort into their workout. It really doesn't bother me much, but I just don't understand why? take the time to get there, so why not put some effort into it!
2010-04-01 19:42:11  
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who cares what others are doing in the're go there to lift weights, not an inspection.......